Get to know me


My name is Olof Chronvall. Today I call myself a modern "Shaman", which may sound vague, but it is based on many years of experience and learning about leadership and mental strength connected to the inner.

Like many others, my journey has not been easy.I lost almost everything in a major corporate crash during the financial crisis of 2008-2009. I then had to face something completely different than before and the pain of losing everything led to me having to face myself almost completely without money and for a long time in a very simple loneliness. I then explored the spiritual world and met a shaman in the mountains of Peru. Was on a silent retreat and tantra course in Brazil. I then returned to management and worked as both manager and consultant for several years. 

Now I have taken all my experiences in both worlds and put it together into a leadership program that both leads inward and then outward.


Do you recognize yourself?

I both believe and know that our modern world in 2023 is heading at an all-too-fast pace towards even more stress and desire. Exhaustion and burnout. The soul dies more and more. We are increasingly losing touch with nature and our true selves if we can even believe in it anymore.

My wish when you read about my courses and lectures is that it will awaken "something" within you. I already believe that if you have found this page and find it exciting, even a little scary maybe, then the real part of you is already tired of your current life or parts of it and is looking for a change. I am going to humbly inspire you to take hold of your life, which you may not be very happy with right now, and together we will see if we can turn it into an inspiring and fun life.


Find your inner peace

Something that has helped me on my journey has been expressing my feelings and finding inner peace through painting.

Much of what I paint is inspired by nature and not least the mountains. Many of my paintings are painted in my inner world where I often wander to an Indian village deep in the mountains. The Indian valley as I call it. There, everything is peaceful and alive in most of what happens. Feel free to visit e5art to see my paintings.

If you want to find your inner peace and learn to express your feelings in paintings, you are welcome to my course in painting freely.

Stop thinking. Take the plunge and do something about it.

I know what you're struggling with and I'm here to help

The path to inner peace combined with the knowledge of how we want to live our lives in the future are strong forces that make us feel so much better. What I myself have experienced is that in combination with this, we then take better care of ourselves. Both in terms of diet and exercise which I will inspire.

Att våga ta tag i sitt liv och sig själv kan dock vara läskigt och det kan lätt kännas överväldigande när man inte vet vart man ska börja. Det viktiga är att du gör något åt det. Inte bara funderar. Oavsett du gör något här eller på annat ställe så är det min absoluta övertygelse att det är just det som kommer att göra skillnad. 

I'm here to help you start your journey, give me a call to get your journey strarted 

0768 846 009


”We must be willing to get rid of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us”

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