What is the meaning of life?

Discover yourself through free painting

Paint Free

Course content

The course offers a day focused on getting in touch with yourself and what you want in life by asking the question about the meaning of life. An important part of the course is free painting with oil paint, where there are no requirements or achievements, but only to express colors and feelings that arise. Through painting, you can get closer to yourself and experience a liberating feeling from the stress and demands of everyday life.


The search for the meaning of life

The course begins by reflecting on the meaning of life and examining who you really are and what you want to achieve in life.


Free painting and self-exploration

Det andra steget fokuserar på att använda fritt målande som ett verktyg för självutforskning och att nå bortom stress och krav i vardagen. Du kommer att få måla fritt utan krav på prestation eller teknik och använda oljefärger för att måla dina känslor och inre själsliga tillstånd. För de som vill kommer jag även lära olika målningstekniker, men det är inget måste.


Relaxation and feedback

Efter den fria målningen kommer du att delta i en avslappningsövning för att komma i kontakt med ditt inre lugn och därefter måla det som kommer upp. Slutligen kommer det att finnas tid för dig att diskutera och reflektera över dina verk och upplevelser med gruppen (eller bara mig om du gör det enskilt).

Book your course

Boka in en heldag i en grupp med andra eller ta med dina vänner för stark upplevelse där du inte bara knyter an bättre till dina egna känslor men lär dig mer om andra. Eller boka in en enskild halvdag för att få ännu mer personlig guidning i målningstekniker och att uttrycka dig själv.



10:00 – 15:00



09:00 – 18:00

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Frequently asked questions

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Fika och lunch ingår vid grupptillfällen

The courses are held 15 minutes outside Växjö, in Gransholms Bruks Företagsby. Gransholmsvägen 136, 360 32 Gransholm

This course can be useful for many different types of people, regardless of gender, age or background. It can be particularly useful for people who have difficulty getting in touch with their feelings, expressing themselves verbally, or for people who have experienced trauma or other difficult life events..

Image therapy can also be helpful for people suffering from anxiety or depression, as it can help them identify and express their feelings more effectively. It can also be helpful for people experiencing stress, as it can provide a creative and relaxing outlet for emotions and thoughts.

Basically, free painting can be helpful for anyone who wants to explore and express their feelings and experiences in a more creative and figurative way, regardless of the cause or background. It is important to note that imagery therapy is an individual process that is tailored to each individual's needs and goals, and that results and progress may vary depending on each person's unique situation and circumstances.

Yes, this is a course in image therapy.

Image therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses artistic expression as a tool to help people express and explore their feelings, thoughts and experiences. By creating artwork or other types of visual expression, a person can express and process difficult feelings and experiences in a way that may not be possible through words alone.

Image therapy is a creative and non-judgmental process that focuses on the process rather than the outcome. As a certified visual therapist, I help you explore and express your feelings by focusing on what is created, rather than judging or analyzing the artwork itself. It can help people deal with stress, anxiety, depression and trauma, as well as improve self-esteem, self-awareness and creativity.

No, no artistic skills or experience are required to participate in the courses. The purpose of image therapy is not to create high quality artwork but rather to use visual expression as a tool to help you explore and express your feelings and experiences.

It is a course that focuses on the process rather than the outcome. It's about expressing and exploring their feelings and thoughts through visual expression, and I help you do that in a way that feels comfortable and safe for them. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to create in imagery therapy, and I will support and encourage you regardless of your skill level. However, I will of course help you who want to with different painting techniques to learn to express your feelings more easily.

Thus, imagery therapy is an accessible form of therapy that can help people of different backgrounds and experiences to explore and process their feelings and experiences in a creative and meaningful way.

Individual imagery therapy is usually more focused on the needs and goals of the individual, while group sessions may have more of a focus on building support and belonging within the group. In an individual session I can work more directly with your personal experiences and feelings, while group sessions can help strengthen social skills and develop empathy by sharing experiences with others in the group.

Another difference between individual and group image therapy is that in a group, participants can learn from each other and see how other people work with and deal with their emotions through artistic expression. This can create a greater understanding and compassion for others and can help reduce feelings of isolation or loneliness.

At the same time, it is important to note that individual and group imagery therapy can be equally effective, and which form of imagery therapy is most suitable depends on the individual's needs, goals and preferences. If you wonder what suits you, you are always welcome to email or call for advice. 

The aim of image therapy is to help you explore and express your feelings, thoughts and experiences through creative and pictorial expression. It can help you process trauma, reduce anxiety and stress, increase self-awareness and self-esteem, and find new ways to deal with problems and challenges in life.

By using imagery as a tool to explore and express your feelings and experiences, imagery therapy can help you gain new perspectives on your problems and emotions, as well as discover new ways to deal with them in a more constructive way.

It is important to note that imagery therapy is not a "quick fix" solution to psychological problems or difficulties, but rather a process that can take time to work through. By working regularly to paint freely, you can expect to gradually achieve greater understanding of your feelings and experiences, as well as increased self-awareness and new ways of dealing with life's challenges. One occasion may be enough to then continue the painting on your own, but it can also be helpful to immerse yourself through several occasions

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